Realize Education and Workforce Challenges Facing U.S. States and Regions
In our on-going efforts to improve postsecondary education, workforce development, and the lives of residents, where would we get our biggest return? The Education and Workforce Needs Index (EWNI) is created to help policymakers and analysts, workforce and economic developers, and community leaders address the most critical educational attainment and workforce needs in their states and regions. Cutting through the dense forest of available data and information, it quickly forges a path to the key areas to focus policy attention and target areas for solutions and practices.
About the Needs Index
The Education and Workforce Needs Index (EWNI) is a dynamic visual interface that enables users to access their states and regions to more easily identify key areas of success and challenge in developing education and workforce capital. The overall Index utilizes sixteen well-researched and field-tested measures combined into three categories: education, workforce, and population demand.
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